
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Three Things To Stop Investing In

Three Things To Stop Investing In

The opinions of others on the internet

The best thing you can be on social media is yourself. Find a way to live your best life online unapologetically. Incorporate your passions. The negative opinions of others do not matter. Do not invest your time or energy in what other people think about you. They are living their own life, and you are living yours. If you lay your head on the pillow at night and you are thrilled with the choices you have made, you are on the right track, do it all again tomorrow.


Have you ever looked back at an old picture of yourself and just cringed? Eyebrows, clothing, cellphone styles are all evolving! What might be popular right now might not be so hot in five years. Vibrant colors and shoulder pads still have a place in my closet, and I will rock Fresh Prince threads until my last days. Whatever makes you feel happy, don it.

One-sided relationships

If you are questioning the priority status of your relationships, pull back. If you feel like you are investing too much and not getting the same amount of affection in return, test it by leaving them alone for a while. Give your relationship a full seven days and do nothing. Do not reach out in any way or take the time dwelling on it, either. The people who are absolutely there for you, the ones who want you in their life and want to see you thrive in yours, will communicate. If you have a week of radio silence, do not waste any additional time. Consider that a breakup, move on, and invest in the people who invest in you.

Kick Your Social Media Up A Notch

Kick Your Social Media Up A Notch

Crockpot Shredded Chicken Tacos

Crockpot Shredded Chicken Tacos