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ABC: February

ABC: February

Aneissa’s Book Club book of the month is titled The Rules by Ellen Fein and Sherrie Schneider. This book was published in 1995, and at times you will read it is definitely dated. It occasionally refers to bell-bottoms and personal ads. The overall content of the book is timeless, and the target audience for the book is single women whose ultimate goal is to have a thriving/successful marriage. The only word I can think that indeed describes this book is intense. There were times when I found myself so engulfed in the pages; I was literally nodding while reading in my head. I felt like two of my aunts have sat me down, and they are bouncing advice back + forth off of one another. These two authors clearly want their readers to be the best women they can be. They refer to us as “a creature unlike any other.” The style of writing for this novel is exceptionally cut + dry. They list The Rules, and they explain why this rule is essential. Then, they go on to give examples of women who have followed the rules and women who have not followed the rules. This book is eye-opening, and it is strictly for women who are serious about their future romantic endeavors.

I give this book four out of five stars. Since this novel was published in 1995, some of the concepts still do apply, but your thinking has to adapt. For example, the authors talk about timing and responding to personal ads. We would, in turn, take what they are saying and apply that to Smedia like Instagram and Facebook comments and private messages. Overall this book was very informative, and it taught me a lot about timing and self-worth. I'm interested to know your thoughts on this book. If you have read this novel, comment your star rating below and let me know your favorite chapter!

Next month's novel is titled: High-Performance Habits: How Extraordinary People Become That Way by Brendon Burchard. Here's a small excerpt from ABC's March novel:

We all want to be high performing in every area of our lives. But how? Which habits can help you achieve long-term success and vibrant well-being no matter your age, career, strengths, or personality? To become a high performer, you must seek clarity, generate energy, raise necessity, increase productivity, develop influence, and demonstrate courage. These are the personal and social habits that are proven to help you excel. This book is about the art and science of how to practice these proven habits.”

I’ve added the link below so you can purchase this book and read it with me! I will post a book review for this novel on Monday, March 25, 2019.


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