
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

The Proper Staycation

The Proper Staycation

We’ve all had lazy days at home, but adequate rejuvenation involves a fancy staycation. Staycation: a vacation spent in one's home country rather than abroad. I’m taking the staycation to the next level. So on this staycation, we’re not even leaving the house + I’m going to show you the steps to take to have the ultimate recharging experience.

How long is a staycation?

At least one entire day. I honestly don’t know anyone who can indulge in a staycation any longer than a weekend. If you can afford to indulge longer than three consecutive days, please comment below so I can be a part of your bougie lifestyle.

Staycation prep:

The rules are you’re not allowed to leave the house on a staycation. So before that great scheduled day, you have to go to the store and purchase all your faves. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks, buy them all! Go crazy; this is the one opportunity you have to treat yo self before it’s back to reality. You have absolutely no one to please on this staycation. Stop by Lush for skincare products, and Bath & Body Works for candles. Spend a little bit of that hard earned money just for your bliss. Go all out. Make sure you have your ultimate lounge clothes ready to rock & roll. Only the most comfortable garments and the fuzziest socks during this time. The final preparation step, clean your entire home. This day (or weekend) is not about getting everything in order; it’s about breathing + enjoying some time to yourself. The only way to truly relax is in the comfort of a clean space. So before anything else, make it spotless. When the time comes to get back into your routine, you'll be grateful you went above + beyond beforehand.

What to do:

Finally, time to relax. The first and most crucial step of a staycation is, do not set the alarm the night before! Alerts are for busy people who have multiple tasks to do the next day, that does not include you. Wake up naturally, stretch, roll over, and snooze like a newborn kitten. The rest is literally whatever you want to do. If you want coffee, excellent! Make 6 cups. If you want a piece of cake you bought the night before, splendid don’t even grab a plate eat it with your hands. If you are going to order pizza for breakfast, call your local Domino’s, they open at 11:00 am. Want to blast music and dance or read a book on the floor, do it! The options are limitless on a staycation; it’s all about refreshing, positive energy.

Sometimes we forget how crucial it is to take time for yourself, especially if you are involved in ministry or any time-consuming job. People tend to feel like they cannot relax until everyone else and everything else has been taken care of. A staycation is strictly for you. (If you want to share the day with a loved one or friend, do that too.) Enjoy solace, because at the end of your staycation in the evening you will have to set the alarm and get ready with the reality of your busy lifestyle. So soak up every moment, be unapologetically you, and stay a while.

Jalapeño Chicken

Jalapeño Chicken

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Excuses Excuses