
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

I Got Husband Ready For An Entire Week

I Got Husband Ready For An Entire Week

I am a morning person. As soon as my alarm goes off in the morning, I'm alert, and I have to get things in motion. Unfortunately, there are days when I have to jump right into my errands, and I don't have time to get completely ready physically. So for seven days, I got what I like to coin, "husband ready."

Husband Ready: Doing the absolute most with your morning routine. To be prepared to walk out of the front door, meet the love of your life, and have no hesitations about the way you look that day.

The process:

7:00 am- the alarm goes off

7:00-7:20- morning routine:

  • make the bed

  • brush

  • floss

  • mouthwash

  • wash face (morning mask twice a week)

  • toner

  • moisturize

  • jade roll

  • curl eyelashes

7:20-7:30- steam outfit

7:35- 7:45- completely fix hair

7:45-8:00- lotion bod + get dressed

So this entire process takes about one hour, and I'm usually out the door around 8:00 am. Reading this, I know you might be confused because I am so particular, you probably assumed this was my morning routine already, and it is. The only difference is my mindset. I got myself mentally prepared for the day by thinking, "Ok this is the day, I'm going to run into the man I'm going to marry in the Starbucks line." My mindset changed so the consideration I placed into my routine changed. I went above and beyond with my method because of my mindset. I got completely ready for the day as if I was going to walk outside of my front door and the paparazzi were going to shout, "There she is!" as they do with my muse, Meghan Markle and snap thousands of photos.

The result:

The result turned out to be a huge paradigm shift! Before I did the husband ready challenge, I thought I was doing pretty good with my morning routine. There were days I would skip a step or two and still feel fine, but switching things up has skyrocketed my self-esteem. During this week of completely making myself ready, I realized, there will be a day when I walk out of the front door, there may not be a ton a paparazzi waiting for me, but I don't want to have any regrets about the way I look. My 2019 will be all about taking care of myself in every aspect. If there was something I was doing leisurely before, I want to do it with excellence now. Can I be even more extra, the answer is yes! I do want to be extra in the way I take care of myself because soon, I'll be taking care of myself and someone else, then I'll be taking care of a little bitty someone else. Catch my drift? It was actually a delightful week, and becoming husband ready is gradually turning into a lifestyle for me.

So I want to challenge you to do the same. For the next seven days, get completely ready in the morning. Make your bed. That's the first and most important step! Make sure there isn't a single thing you would add to yourself before you walk out of that door. You have done it all, and you can officially start your day with confidence. Eventually, you will want to bring that same attitude into every aspect of your life, your job, your career, and your spiritual life.

Paulita Hernandez: AIMer to Latvia

Paulita Hernandez: AIMer to Latvia

The Key To Success

The Key To Success