
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Treat Yo Self

Treat Yo Self

Valentine's Day is here, and that can only mean one thing, its time to spread the love! Whether it's your spouse, your significant other, or your family, don't forget to spoil one very important person on this Holiday, yo self! Rejuvenation is the key to growth. You have to relax just as hard as you work. Mental clarity and physically unwinding can help you give your best effort in whatever you're doing. Here are five ways to help you refresh and recharge.

1. Read a book

Take some time out of your day to read. If you're a morning person, have a cup of coffee and get lost in some pages. If you're a night owl, brew some tea and indulge in a good book after the kids are in bed. Getting out of your reality for a while is ok. Self-help books have been changing my view on things, and there are some amazing books I'll be reading this year. If you have not joined Aneissa's Book Club, I'll put a link here to give you some great recommendations!


2. Take a bath

Bathing regularly is imperative, period. Taking a bath (the right way) is a luxury. Candles, music, that book we were talking about earlier, go all out! There is no limit on the amount of care you can invest in yourself.

3. Get artsy

Everyone has a special talent. Take time to perfect your craft. If you're a musician, write a new song. If you like to paint, create a masterpiece. If you can sew, make a new dress. Always stay up to date on what you like to do. Your creation could be the perfect gift for someone you love.

4. Explore the great outdoors

Have you ever just stopped + looked around at nature? God's creations are so beautiful! Just taking a minute to acknowledge your existence in this fast-paced world can be all the rejuvenation you need. Literally take a hike, or a stroll around the neighborhood and just breathe.

5. Gifts

Buy yourself a little something. You can never go wrong with purchasing gifts for yourself because only you know what you truly like! Amazon Prime can skyrocket self-esteem. I mean c'mon, smiling boxes, how cute is that? Adding something fresh to your wardrobe, or home decor definitely counts as treating yo self!

My First Facial

My First Facial

Low-Carb Eggplant Parmesan

Low-Carb Eggplant Parmesan