
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Violin Lessons

Violin Lessons

String instruments have always fascinated me. They are so whimsical, and they have to ability to instantly change a tone from mediocre to majestic. This year one of my 2019 resolutions was to pick up a new instrument. The violin is conveniently portable and in my opinion, severely underrated in today's society. So I thought I'd give violin lessons a try.

I was connected to the great John De La Fuente through one of his students and a friend of mine, Rebekah. John De La Fuente is a musical genius! His career began decades before I was born and he has no intention of slowing down the pace. He is a true master of any instrument ever created. His home looks like a museum with multiple guitars and string instruments intricately placed on the walls and for display. Turn left there's a grand piano, turn right there's a keyboard, look up on the wall there's an electric guitar; it was incredible!

So my first lesson was fantastic. We had an informal consultation discussing my musical intentions/goals, and he taught me the various parts of the violin. De La Fuente informed me that the violin is one of the most demanding yet the most entertaining instruments out there and if I stick to it (which I will because I obsess over every task I'm given) I will be playing in nine to fifteen weeks! I am beyond excited about this new endeavor, and I will keep you updated on my progress, through my Instagram account.


Five Ways To Go Green

Five Ways To Go Green

Honey Lemon Treatment

Honey Lemon Treatment