
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Mean Green Juice

Mean Green Juice

Spring has sprung and as I've mentioned before things are getting fresh. There is no better way to reboot your digestive system and kickstart a healthy lifestyle than with this refreshing juice blend. There are a ton of benefits to this drink including lowering blood pressure, flushing liver toxins, vitamin B and arthritis alleviation.

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Cook Time: 5 minutes

Total Time: 15 minutes

Yields: 1 serving, 16 ounces


- 1 cucumber

- 4 celery stalks

- 2 green apples

- 8 kale leaves, Tuscan Cabbage with stems

- 1 lemon

- 1 piece of ginger, 1 in diameter (2.5 cm)


Where do smart vegetables go to school?



- Wash all produce well

- Peel the lemon (optional)

- Core apple

- Add all ingredients through juicer

- Guzzle

This immune booster will be the perfect cleanse this season. It's anti-inflammatory properties, and potassium richness will help recharge your system. While the superfood, kale will improve eye health and aid with bone density. This drink is quite literally a life saver.

 Chemical Peel vs Facial Scrub

Chemical Peel vs Facial Scrub

A Praying Mother

A Praying Mother