
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

How To Cope

How To Cope

Life is full of challenges, problems, and hassles. Your perspective on a situation can allow you to feel overwhelmed if you do not adequately cope with the circumstances placed in your life. The art of dealing is not a one + done situation; it takes small steps to achieve peace in the middle of a trying season.

Talk to God

Psalm 81:1-7

A considerable part of the reason people cannot wholeheartedly is cope is the fact they have not addressed the situation. Financial struggles, loss, and mental challenges can only become conquered once the problem is acknowledged. Praying and allowing The Lord to fully hear your thoughts and concerns about matters and situations in your life can alleviate the majority of the stress. Do not be afraid to express every emotion you are feeling; The Lord is no stranger to fear, anger, or sadness.

Trust the Process

Acts 25-1:22

C.S. Lewis wrote. "Faith is the art of holding on to things your reason has once accepted, in spite of your changing moods." Having faith in The Lord may seem intimidating at times, but in hindsight of every situation, I can always wag my finger up to the sky and say, "Nowww, I understand. I see what You did there." Even in some of the darkest situations of my life, I can look back and see the protection of The Lord and His intentions with all of it. Trust the process of whatever situation you are in, whether it is a season, of joy, loss, loneliness, or blessings.

Embrace every opportunity

II Kings 12:1-14:22

Every opportunity, every day, every moment has been intended for your good. Even though you may feel like you are drowning or overwhelmed, those are the growing pains shaping you into a better person. One hundred percent of the people I have talked to that have gone through any trail of their life have always come through better and more victorious. A lot of them do not even know what type of person they would have been if this particular trial did not occur. Embracing opportunities goes hand-and-hand with faith. Trust The Author and The Finisher, spoiler alert, He never fails.

Avocado Lime Ranch

Avocado Lime Ranch

Habits For The Happy & Healthy

Habits For The Happy & Healthy