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The Weight of Pride

The Weight of Pride

Photograph by Sara Thomas

Pride has always been a humorous concept to me. Pride has the ability to make you believe you are doing the right thing when, in reality, all that is happening is internal self-harm. Dealing with prideful people can be a repulsive chore. The only way someone filled with pride can change is through prayer and self-examination. A prideful person must cultivate the spirit of lowliness in order to combat an arrogant way of thinking. Practicing true lowliness is a three-step process. 

Resist pride

Easier said than done, right? Every time the carnal man puffs up, every time the urge to buck against the system and do something your way comes around; pause. Think about alternative results to the same goal. That is the irony of pride. Most prideful people have the same foundational goal. They have different methods to prove, “My way is best”. People genuinely choose to work harder, not smarter in certain situations. 

Cultivate humility 

Lack of power or feeling out of control in a situation can be extremely unnerving. It is perfectly fine to feel frustrated when things do not go as planned. The beauty of humility is that it is quiet, and it is kind. We show the ultimate love of Christ when we are humble and constantly thinking about others and our service to the Kingdom. 

Serve and witness 

The spirit of pride sabotages the ability to witness to others. If egos and attitudes are always flared up, it becomes difficult for communication, and people often feel the need to tiptoe around anyone filled with pride. You cannot profess to have the joy of The Lord Christ if the spirit of pride dwells in you.

Proverbs 16:18-27

These verses show us what the spirit of lowliness produces.

Prosperity. Relationships that involve trust and respect always thrive. We develop a sense of well-being when we are able to work together for the Kingdom. 

Happiness (verse 20) 

Pride takes a lot of work and a ton of plotting behind the scenes. Self-satisfaction is shifty and selfish and does not bother with the feelings of others. Letting go of the weight pride will allow you to live a happier and healthier spiritual life. 

Healing (verse 27) 

The first step to recovery is admitting there is a problem. Pride is just as common as any other shortcoming, but the self-examination and the recognition of a prideful spirit is one of the most challenging concepts an individual can acknowledge. Practicing lowliness is a step toward healing. It opens the heart and allows others the aide the journey of life. 

Depending on The Lord is the most crucial key to lowliness. Humility and contentment can only be developed by letting go of control and trust. Pride cultivates a lonely life; lowliness joins the body of Christ.

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