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How To Mature From A Fixed Mindset To A Growth Mindset

How To Mature From A Fixed Mindset To A Growth Mindset

The most vital concept to understand is, there is only one race: the human race. Ethnicities and cultures are a gift from God for people to take the beauty of diversity and fashion it into a shared learning experience. Once that foundation is established, we can collectively take the next step toward opening the eyes of people who have a fixed mindset. Someone who has a fixed mindset may struggle with the following thought process.

  • "I am how I am; I cannot improve." 

  • "This is just the way it is."

  • "If you succeed, I feel threatened."

  • "I do not like to step out of my comfort zone." 

  • "I tend to give up easily."

The first step to a mature mindset is acknowledging that you might not know everything, especially about the history or background of another individual. (Even if you could categorize a certain ethnicity, you would still have to take into account their relationship status, family history, geographical location, and countless other factors that make us individuals). It may seem like one of the most challenging things to do, but step out of your frame and try to empathize with others on a deep emotional level.

Step two, realize you have the power to choose! People seldom refuse to educate someone coming from a sincere place. You have the ability to gain insight into how people are feeling by simply asking. One giant step toward maturity merely is inquiring. Learn about those around you, and be vulnerably honest on your end of the conversation. Finally, act in line with your growth mindset. Do not stop actively trying to better yourself. A growth mindset says:

  • "I can get better with practice."

  • "My behaviors are not fixed, I can change."

  • "I can develop resilience, and when I am frustrated, I will persevere and keep trying to understand."

  • “I am open to challenge and change." 

  • “I will come from a place of sincerity, not defense.”

Waves of wrong-doings are inevitable and deeply discouraging. This world does not appreciate the love of Jesus and the fact that each breath is a gift from Him, no matter the hue of your skin. Ease up on the post, share, or submit button. Facts and opinions can become so blurred; they no longer make social media an entertaining interactive platform. Everyone has their soapbox; everyone has their opinion- you are reading mine now! So let me just say this: not even your thoughts are hidden from The Lord. Microprejudice mindsets have to stop, and it begins with us getting rid of every adverse condition we have been taught throughout the years. You cannot judge a book by its cover because we are not books! We are all children of God walking and living in our truth daily. Simply treat every single human being with the ultimate respect and let God's love lead the way. The simple Sunday School song is so true, red or yellow, black or white; they are precious in His sight.

Blue Spirulina Smoothie Bowl

Blue Spirulina Smoothie Bowl

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