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Joy vs Happiness

Joy vs Happiness

As humans, it is perfectly reasonable to flow through our emotions. Anger, sadness, and shame are just a few emotions that tend to affect people in various ways. We all have diverse upbringings, so we all respond to our feelings differently. Happiness is the most relatable emotion. When an individual feels happy, a release of endorphins and dopamine are transmitted to the brain to create a feeling of euphoria. Joy is often paralleled to the sense of happiness, but in actuality, they are quite different.

As Christians, the joy of the Lord should be our primary focus. Since we are His creations, we find joy in striving to please Him. Our everyday lives should have a joyful driving force. The opposite of happiness is sadness. The opposite of joy is not sadness; the opposite of joy is fear. Joy should be a prominent part of our spiritual DNA. No matter what aspect of life we are facing, we can still have joy. Joy is a fruit of the spirit given by God.

God alone is the provider of Joy. You can feel the emotion of happiness through people, gifts, and memories. Joy is a constant gift that can be felt through seasons of prosperity and seasons of sorrow. Joy is a permanent mindset, and happiness is a fleeting emotion that can easily be replaced by another temporary emotion. Have you ever seen one of those massive water fountains with multiple levels? At the top of the fountain water flows to the midsection and then eventually down to the bottom and the process is repeated. This is a visual representation of the joy we receive from God. With His joy flowing through us, it does not matter what life throws our way, we are continually being filled to the point of overflowing with His joy.

Pure joy is a constant force. It is an embedded spiritual pillar given by God. People can take your happiness, but they absolutely cannot take your joy. If you feel like another person has stolen your joy, you did not truly have the joy of the Lord, to begin with. So the question is, how do I obtain joy? Real joy is cultivated daily, through relationship. Putting the flesh under subjection, serving others, developing your spiritual strengths and improving your spiritual weaknesses. These are all ways to obtain joy! You must be certain about your relationship, and the path you are on with God. When you are routinely praying until your spirit connects to His Spirit and the dialogue is flowing; that blossoms genuine joy. Joy that can cast out all fear. So it does not matter what tomorrow may bring; the joy of the Lord will be our strength. Our morning coffee will be our happiness. There is a difference. Relish in the joy of The Lord.

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Lobster Mac & Cheese

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