
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Energy Drainers

Energy Drainers

Living your best life means staying physically and emotionally active. Sometimes we do not even realize it, but we can self-sabotage by unintentionally falling victim to energy drainers. Here are five out ways you could be slowing yourself down.

Lack of sleep

The concept is simple; restless nights lead to mentally foggy days. Try to create a relaxing atmosphere as soon as you are in for the night. Get comfortable and diffuse lavender oils to help release melatonin. Eight hours of uninterrupted rest can make a world of difference.

Unhealthy foods

Summer is here, and the heat alone could leave anyone exhausted. It is vital to stay hydrated and healthy by skipping the fried food every once in a while and saying yes to fresh fruits and veggies.


Strawberry Feta Salad

Toxic relationships

A healthy relationship is a pendulum of giving and receiving. A toxic relationship is addressed by becoming aware of an imbalance in commitment. If there is not an equal amount of investment, it could inevitably lead to resentment and sub-conscience bitterness. Do not allow a toxic relationship to drag you down mentally, know when to say goodbye to friends (and sometimes family) who challenge your mental health.

Taking offense

A quote to live by: Being offended is a two-step process. One, what the person is saying has to be true. Two, you have to value the opinion of the person. The easiest strategy for carefree mental health is to self-evaluate and silently take the necessary steps to a better you.

Constant complaining

Part two of worry is complaining. Negative feelings about situations outside of your control is a waste of time! Seek beauty in every situation, and it will lead you to a lifestyle of gratitude.

I Pray We Don't Go Back To Normal

I Pray We Don't Go Back To Normal

Twenty-Seven Things I've Learned In Twenty-Seven Years

Twenty-Seven Things I've Learned In Twenty-Seven Years