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Crockpot Shredded Chicken Tacos

Crockpot Shredded Chicken Tacos

Your Tuesdays will never be the same after this recipe. Once you create simple, inexpensive, fiesta street tacos from the privacy of your own home, your family will hold you to that high standard every week forever.

Prep time: 30 minutes

Cook Time: 4 hours

Total Time: 4 hours + 30 minutes

Yields: 8 servings


- Tortillas of your choice

- 6 boneless, skinless chicken breasts

- 1 package taco seasoning

- 1 package dry ranch mix

- 3 cups chicken broth

You will also need toppings (optional):

- Shredded cheese

- Onions, chopped

- Tomatoes, diced

- Avocado

- Salsa

- Sour cream

- Cilantro, chopped

- Any other flavor-enhancing ingredients you desire

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Inhale tacos. Exhale negativity.


- Prep and clean chicken cutlets

- Add chicken, taco seasoning, dry ranch mix, and chicken broth to the crockpot

- Prepare on high for hours (stirring occasionally)

- Remove chicken and shred

- Place shredded chicken back in the crockpot for thirty minutes

- Warm tortillas

- Dress tacos with any or all toppings

- Enjoy

The beauty of this meal is it can be customized for every member of the family! This recipe is simple, versatile, and muy delicioso.Shredded Chicken Tacos can also be made in more substantial portions, frozen and incorporated into meal preparation. Get creative and get cooking.

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