Major Things To Stop Investing In
Once you have mastered the concept of prioritizing brain space, nothing is impossible! Prioritizing your time and letting go of things that do not matter really help you to stay focused on your relationships, career, and passions.
The opinions of people who have known you since childhood
People can grow, + people can change! I have seen the hardest of hearts morph into the sweetest beings. Just because someone has known of you for an extended period of time, does not mean someone knows you. Be careful of the people you allow to influence your life, and never announce your next move.
Fashion trends
Colors and patterns come and go like a breeze on the pond. What is important is that you are madly in love with every clothing piece and shoe purchase you make. It is your hard-earned coin, and you have every right to spend it on garments you adore no matter what.
unapologetically rockin’ a leather jacket + hexagon frames.
Toxic relationships
With the new decade peeking over the horizon, it is vital to realize; life is too short to toil with people who do not want to see you succeed. If you are giving your very best in a relationship, and you are still feeling friction, it is time to say goodbye.
Hobbies you are not passionate about
If you are not continually daydreaming about running home and indulging in your favorite hobby, it is time to give it up. Do not feel pressure to participate in something because it is trending, or some people you know are partaking in it. If you enjoy collecting antique smurf figurines, smurf it up! Unapologetically do what makes you happy.
It is time to shed some dead weight in the coming year, and this is where you start. Evaluate relationships, friendships, and what you are spending your time on. Leave negativity and failed projects in the past. Focus on becoming the best version of yourself in the year 2020.