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Don't Sweat It

Don't Sweat It

Ok, real talk, I never used to sweat. I could go through an entire day's worth of errands + events and still be just as cool as a cucumber. Then, hello twenty-five. BAM! My bod became a sweat machine. I could not even check the mail without perspiring like I just won a 5K marathon. It was rough, my pits switched up on me in a major way, and I felt betrayed. I'm not sure if we are in the same boat or not, but I'm about to introduce you to the best thing since frozen tamales. First, let's talk about regular deodorants. We all know what deodorant is used for so I obviously won't go into that, but have you ever stopped to think about what is inside the substance you spread onto one of the most sensitive areas of your body? Many different deodorant brands contain harmful chemicals! Aluminum is often used in the stronger sport prescribed sticks, but a trace of it is prominent in the regular everyday deodorants as well.

Aluminum-based antiperspirants form a temporary plug to stop sweat ducts. It clogs your armpits and forms a wall to stop what your body wants to do naturally. When this wall is created estrogen hormonal cells begin to build up in the armpit glands near the breast area, which can lead to the development of breast cancer. Alumnimun is linked to an increased chance of tumor growth because the same substance is packed on daily and being repeated soaked into the skin. Even if you effectively scrub in the shower, you have perspired, which means your pores have opened, or you have shaved that area, which means you have created micro-cuts and opened up the skin. The deodorant and it’s chemicals still seep in.

Another harmful chemical found in antiperspirants is triclosan. Triclosan is an antibacterial chemical, used in deodorants to kill odor-causing germs on the skin. Triclosan is an endocrine disruptor, meaning it can mimic hormones or interfere with hormonal signaling. This chemical is also associated with an increased risk of breast cancer. The numerous health concerns related to triclosan affect many people. The FDA has banned this chemical in hand-soaps, but the compound is still permitted for use in other products like you guessed it, deodorant.

Fragrance chemicals are also extremely harmful in deodorants. For a fragrance to hold it’s scent, a noticeable amount of alcohol is used as a base ingredient. Synthetic fragrance formulas contain phthalates. Phthalates, (pronounced tha-lates) have the ability to disrupt the endocrine or gland system, especially in males so if you sweat a ton and you use men's deodorant (no shame) the chemicals are higher in number.

Those are just a few of the heavy-hitters found in one stick of deodorant. Now that science class is over, let me recommend an all-natural brand that has changed my life! Schmidt's brand deodorant is a complete game-changer. This brand is mineral enriched with magnesium. Magnesium has a ton of benefits. It can help with blood pressure (if ingested, please don't eat deodorant) but when applied, magnesium can relieve anxiety AKA, the reason you would be sweating in the first place. This award-winning brand is infused with scents found in nature to keep you fresh all day long. Schmidt's brand is all about the natural and their website is extremely informative about which antiperspirant is best for you. The exciting part is... it is more than just a deodorant brand! If you're looking to switch to the natural with soap and oral care, they have you covered.

If you are using a mainstream brand of deodorant, grab it and take a real look at the ingredients on the back. If you cannot pronounce those components correctly at the first glace, you do not want that absorbed into your body! Let me be your sweaty guide and point you in the right direction. Please try this brand for yourself and share this article with a gal-pal. When it comes down to health + safety even the smallest things we can do for prevention are worth it.


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