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Shark Week Hacks

Shark Week Hacks

We all have our comedic names for that particular time of the month. The week where your hormones take you on a roller coaster, and you want to bite everyone's head off, I have conveniently named: Shark Week. Shark Week does not have to be all blood and guts; it can almost be as pleasant as any other time of the month with these tips!

Period tracking app

You want to keep track of your cycle. In order to adequately prepare for your period, you have to know when Aunt Flo is on her way. Clue is an incredible app that helps you keep track of your fertile window if you are trying to get pregnant. It also enables you to track your flow, cravings, and it helps you document any pain you may experience during this time. The best part is Clue is absolutely free!

Pain meds

There is no reason to suffer during Shark Week. We, as women already have a lot going on. Stock up on your favorite pain-relieving medicines and pop them as needed. A great alternative to pills would be Dragon Time, Peppermint, or Eucalyptus essential oils. Place a drop of these oils on each temple, across your lower tummy, and on your lower back.

Stay hydrated

The last thing you probably want to do on your period is to drink a gallon of water a day, but it will work wonders for you. Water will help flush out the toxins faster, and it will help keep pesky hormonal breakouts to a minimum. Water will keep your system fresh and help regulate your flow.

Be prepared

A lady carries essentials no matter what time of the month it is. We have all asked and been asked that dreaded question, "Do you have a pad or tampon I could have?" Always be ready to supply your homegirls. There is nothing more embarrassing than being out in public, and Mother Nature wants to make the drop. Purchase a small variety of tampons, pads, and panty liners, even if you do not use them yourself. Be the chick you would want to run into on the street that has a small CVS Pharmacy in her purse.

Snack time

During the PMS days, anything goes. Load up on all the candy, carbs, and ice cream you want. Your body is going through some major stuff right now, just let it be. If you want to cry, bawl. If you are angry, shoot someone. In all sincerity, if possible, make sure you are entirely alone during the PMS days and feel every emotion you want to explore with your favorite snacks in hand.

Vitamin C and warm water

Another Shark Week essential is a nice warm bath as often as possible. Grab a bottle of peppermint oil, your favorite ginger ale, and dive into a bathtub with the hottest water your bod can handle. Soak your cares away every night if you have to. The warm water will relieve muscle cramps and provide overall wellness. Orange juice or any other type of vitamin C will help speed things along, so make you have access to vitamin citrus throughout the entire week.

Have a happy period!

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