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Archery Lesson

Archery Lesson

I decided a long time ago if I were going to be a warrior or a cool hunter- something along those lines, the bow + arrow would be my weapon of choice. There is something so cool about the quiver, the precision, and the overall look or archery. I legitimately love it so much, I have considered Archer as a baby name! (This decision was made years ago, and I'm not totally sure how I feel about it now, it's 50/50) Moving on, I was so into it I decided to live out my childhood dream and take an archery lesson.

The process:

So the skill of archery takes something I currently do not possess, upper body strength. Even with a beginner's compound bow, I was still struggling to the max! There are a ton of components that have to be in place before you even think about loosing an arrow. Stance, position, and focus all have to work in harmony in order to have a great shot. I don't know how advance archers hunt with moving targets when I could barely stand properly.

Moment of truth:

So I took a deep breath, did precisely what I was instructed to do and launched my first ever arrow toward the target. Cynthia Lizeth Ticas (https://www.instagram.com/cynthia.ticas) as my witness, I hit the target in the center the very first time! Smack-dab in the middle of the mark. It took all three of us, including the instructor to calculate what just happened. Then, we immediately celebrated! I have found my true calling in The Lord's army; it was always His plan for me to be an archer. I fired a few more arrows that did not land in an equally exciting place, but the first was all that mattered. That first one was the determining factor of my career change.

Would I recommend:

If archery has been something that interests you and you want to work on your upper body strength, yes I thoroughly recommend. The technicality was not as extreme as I thought it would be. The best way to describe it would be like forming a Lego tower. Once you get your stance, you build onto that by establishing a comfortable way to hold your bow, then you place your arrow in the right location and so on. It all works in harmony, and it will help you become almost as good as I am one day. It was an enjoyable experience, and if you are into trying cool new things, archery is for you.

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