
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Seven Days Of Self Care

Seven Days Of Self Care

Treating yourself is imperative, but it does not have to come in the form of purchasing things for a temporary high. Time alone for the purpose of recharging is vital for self-improvement and health. Take a week and indulge in some Spring cleaning for the soul.

Day One: Clean

Organize your space. That thing you have been procrastinating with, get it done. Clean your vehicle glove box, under your bed, that kitchen drawer that has tons of Taco Bell sauce packets and batteries; organize it! Take an entire day and dedicate it to decluttering and prioritizing the things you use daily.

Day two: Appearance

Day two is the day to focus on how you look. Flaws, and all focus on your skin's ins + outs. Keep track of your hydration and try to consume one gallon of water. Try a morning and evening skincare routine.

  • Draw a bath

  • Exfoliate

  • Shave your legs

  • Whiten teeth

  • Manicure/Pedicure

  • Hair treatment

Day Three: Digital Detox

Free up some space on your phone by deleting any apps you no longer use. Trash old messages, and clean your email mailboxes. An underrated digital first start is to change your wallpaper background and notification ringtones; it will make you feel like you have brand new devices! After that, give yourself the night off from screen time and go for a walk or enjoy an excellent old-fashion book.

Day Four: Mental Health

Do you have someone you look up to? Invite them on a coffee date. Indulge in some TedTalks in an area where you are trying to better yourself. Go for a walk at dusk and only listen to your favorite songs. Evaluate everything you have been overthinking about and let it go. Take mental health beyond this week and learn how to Declutter Your Mind with the article below.

Day Five: Donate

Since you have spent the majority of the week prioritizing and organizing, surely you have found something you no longer need. Donate that old bike you never use. Go through your clothing and get rid of everything you cannot fit or no longer wear. Make some money off of pieces that have just been dangling in your closet, or better yet, give them away for free.

Day Six: Reenergize

Try an activity that involves fresh air. Get your body moving for at least twenty minutes on this day! Stretch, walk, head to the gym. Get into something active.

Day Seven: Health

Be conscious of food intake. Have a hearty breakfast, and plan out your meals for the week. Meal prep for the days ahead or try a new crockpot meal that you can consume over the span of several days. Cut out the sugar and see how you feel. Take an hour to peruse Pinterest recipe ideas and try something new.

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Confidence Boosters You Never Knew You Needed

Naan Bread

Naan Bread