
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Relationship Goals

Relationship Goals

Human relationships are an extremely complex concept. Acquaintances, friends, family, and loved ones each operate in a different emotional realm. Relationships may be based on compatibility, shared interests, or even religion. The bonds that we form with one another have the potential to bleed into our character. The phrase, "Show me your friends, and I'll show you your future." means you will adopt the traits of the few closest to you. You begin to emulate their slang and mannerisms until you become similar as time passes. So the question is, who is the absolute closest to you?

Relationships were one of the first things The Lord constructed. Bonds with the angels are the earliest relationships recorded. Interaction with Adam led to Eve's creation, the multiplication of man, and the population of the earth. When we cultivate an intimate relationship with The Lord, we become more Christian or more Christ-like in every aspect of our daily walk. We will begin to honor our human relationships by showing the love of Christ as we grow closer toward Him. We will love as He loves, forgive as He forgives, and willingly sacrifice our life for His Kingdom as He gave His life for us. No matter what relationships we have (or don't have), we can all have a relationship with The Lord!

Baked Feta Pasta

Baked Feta Pasta

Traits Of An Over-Thinker

Traits Of An Over-Thinker