
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Dear God, I Quit

Dear God, I Quit

The human race is absolutely exquisite. By design alone- almost eight billion people on our planet, and no two sets of fingerprints are the same. Generations of people mix and evolve. New technology is forming practically daily from the intricate human mind. Interaction and personality traits draw us to one another, and relationships develop in a beautifully beneficial way. 

Learning someone's personality is an expedited method to understand an individual. Tests define categories and subcategories of character traits, strengths, and weaknesses. Bold or strong personalities tend to excel in leadership positions. Still, there is a severe qualm for those of us with one of the more substantial personality types- timing is everything. 

Welcome to the sneak peek of the strong personality club

Our motto is: "If you want something done right, you've got to do it yourself." 

What do we want?

  • Order, structure, control, and perfection

When do we want it?

  • We should have had it yesterday

You cannot see it now, but there is a massive "My way or the highway" tattoo on my forehead printed in invisible ink. I feel blessed (but also not so blessed) to have what feels like the most assertive personality known to man. As I get older, it becomes easier to connect with others and use my personality traits to enhance rapport. With people- it's like driving a car; you have to learn when you can push the accelerator and when you have to pump the brakes. With The Lord- it is an entirely different process with one major factor- I am not in the driver's seat. 

Relinquishing control is not the most desirable concept. Sitting in the passenger seat of your own life and letting The Lord navigate each path and turn can be frightening to those who do not fully trust Him. (Proverbs 3:5-7) The Bible reassures us that we need to quit trying to do things our way and allow Him to be Lord over our homes, our relationships, our health, and our finances. Sometimes it is best just to quit. Quit trying to force The Lord's hand to show you His timeline. You could sabotage a blessing that was already in progress. 

So, Dear God, I quit. I have seen where trying to be the coordinator for my own life story has gotten me and every time, it has led me in the wrong direction. I have felt the effects of Your Will in motion, and I no longer want to disturb the plans You have for my life. I want to be a willing vessel and the best possible version of myself to enhance Your Kingdom. Help me to daily relinquish control to You and trust that You are working for my good even when I do not see it. 

Traits Of An Over-Thinker

Traits Of An Over-Thinker

Four Signs You May Be Bottling Up Your Emotions

Four Signs You May Be Bottling Up Your Emotions