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His Presence is Free, His Anointing Is Expensive

His Presence is Free, His Anointing Is Expensive

One of my favorite quotes of all time is, "Strive for perfection and land in excellence." Personal development and growth have consistently been a part of my character. It has never been an intention of mine just to sit back and watch things happen. If I am brought into the room for a specific purpose, I want to know everything about the task at hand to execute my role in the situation as flawlessly as possible. As I grow older, I am beginning to understand that this mind frame is scarce. Some people are content being content, and it seems like the bare minimum to some is a stretch of the imagination to others. 

The Presence of The Lord is absolutely everywhere; it is simply up to you to stir it up and dwell. Throughout history and the Apostolic movement, we have read, heard, and seen The Lord bestow the gift of the Holy Ghost at some seemingly odd times and unlikely places. His Presence and His Spirit are freely accessible to His children because He already paid the price. His Anointing will cost you some comfort.

So what is the process of walking in His Anointing? The primary step is to understand the deep-rooted importance of prayer. Prayer that goes beyond the "me-me-me" mentality and laser focuses on His Will, His Kingdom, and His people. The eternal soul is a concept anointed people consider daily. When striving for The Lord's Anointing, His purest form of spiritual intimacy, you have to understand you are not like the others. When you petition The Lord for His Anointing to minister to peers and those around you effectively, you have to understand the beauty of barter. 

The Lord's Anointing is going to cost you some relationships you thought were God-ordained. His Anointing is going to cost you precious time you did not know you had because you unconsciously devoted it to sleep, education, or secular jobs. The Lord's Anointing is a thick burden that, unfortunately, only a few can handle. Thriving in His Anointing is going to cost you shallow thinking. These are not just buddies, friends, and homies; these are God-created souls that will spend eternity in one of two destinations. His Presence alone is a gift and an honor. His Anointing is personal, expensive, and worth every sacrifice required. 

Lemon Laine Review

Lemon Laine Review

Delight In Self Care

Delight In Self Care