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And Now We Wait

And Now We Wait

Nature is one of God's most awe-inspiring creations. The beauty of nature is - it's ever-changing. The seasons remind us when it is time for growth and time to let go. The most amazing part is that we, as creations ourselves, never question a season of time. During Autumn, when those pesky leaves fall, we do not question; we scoop, rake, and hopefully make the best of the season. In the middle of intense Southern Summer heat, we do not shake our fists at the sky + curse the sun that is beaming down on us. We adapt, shade, protect ourselves, and proactively move forward through the season. There are 365 days in the year, sometimes 366, and we do not question it. Twenty-four hours in a day, sometimes we lose an hour, sometimes we gain an hour- no one bats an eye at this concept. We do not challenge The Lord concerning His creative process. So why is it so difficult to stay full of joy during the season of waiting?

Romans 12:12 King James Version

Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation continuing instant in prayer

Romans 12:12 New International Version

Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer

Ecclesiastes 3:1 NIV

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens

These are two of the most powerful verses to cling to in a season of waiting. Our timeline perspective is so set in stone, and our finite thinking puts limitations on milestones based on the highlight reel of those around us—the checklist of things we have to get done holds no merit in The Kingdom of God.

As individuals, our seasons of mountains and valleys are based on what we need to go through and grow through. We are exercising the spiritual muscles of faith and trust during a season of waiting. It hurts- ripping the flesh and exposing the weakness, admitting there is something that needs fixing- it's painful. Especially when it feels like you are so deep in the valley, you question whether the isolation is character-building or torture. The blame game, comparison, self-doubt, all of these concepts are natural and flesh-driven opposition to The Word of God. A season of lamenting is vital for growth. One of the most phenomenal creations, the rainbow, only occurs after a storm. A cliché to some, but a vibrant rainbow will always make me stop and stare. A valley, a trial, a teachable, strength-building season is a grueling place to be. Not to mention the added social media pressure to be excited, show off, and brag about the things accumulated. You are itching for a chance to be blessed with the very thing you have prayed for. You are ready to run full-force at the green light of opportunity, but The Lord is seemingly silent with the directions on your next step. So now what? We worshipfully wait.

Lamentations 3:25-26 KJV

25 The Lord is good unto them that wait for him, to the soul that seeketh him

26 It is good for a man should both hope and quietly wait for the salvation of the lord

There is no secret formula to propel you to the mountaintop. How boring would our cities look if flat roads were everywhere you turned? The beauty is in the diversity of nature! The hills, the valleys, the peaks, all of it is intentional, and all of it is necessary. So when you are on the mountain top looking down over the recent tribulation, you can see where every tear was vital. You can pick out each moment of discomfort and re-label it as a growing pain. Your friends are not doing better than you; your peers are not further along in their ministry than you. You and God are in a committed relationship with the sole purpose of cultivating the best version of you. The catch is, you as the creation, do not have the privilege of seeing what that looks like while you are in the process. Embrace each element of nature. We need the sun, the rain, and the snow. We need the valleys, the hills, and the mountaintops. A season for growth cannot happen without a season of letting go of your preconceived ideas and, more importantly, your timeline.

Aneissa's Book Club: 2022 Edition

Aneissa's Book Club: 2022 Edition

Slow-Cooker Mississippi Chuck Roast

Slow-Cooker Mississippi Chuck Roast