
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Maximize Your Sick Day

Maximize Your Sick Day

So, you called into work. Nothing major, you just know you cannot possibly go out in public feeling, looking, and perhaps smelling the way you do. The upside is, your sick time at home does not have to miserable! You can have a calm, productive time to yourself to help you recharge and continue through the workweek.

Preventative measures

If the weather is changing and you know you are not going to be on your immune system A game, purchase a few bottles of Echinacea beforehand to keep on hand at home. Echinacea is an herbal immunity boosting supplement. It's natural ingredients help you get back to being the best version of you in almost no time. It is highly recommended for daily use if you work around or have small children at home.

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Echinacea Immune Health

Your favorite pajamas

If you are going to be miserable, look gorgeous while you feel exhausted! Everyone has that fave pair of pjs they slip into after a rough day. Those are the jammies you need to rock from dawn until dusk.

Broth-based soup

The lighter your diet is, the faster your body rejuvenates. If you go heavy on the meat and dairy during a sick period of time, it becomes harder for your bod to push through heavier foods and start to heal you. Stick to broth-based soup, the spicer, the better!

No pressure to get things done

If you have zero energy on your sick day, unapologetically lay in bed. If you are a mother with a child at home, might be a different story, but you have the right to slum as much as you want to. You do not owe anyone your best self when you are feeling ill. Properly take care of your self and postpone your best energy when you are 100%.

Do This The Next Time You Feel Anxiety Creeping In

Do This The Next Time You Feel Anxiety Creeping In

Pesto Pasta

Pesto Pasta